The exact same respectable lip smack marks even this infamous “what a shame.” JC Denton is now made famous by actress Karen Rohan, who recorded all 1,700 of Denton’s original dialogue with the stoic origin. Either do it right or we shouldn’t be tempted to do it. “Immersion is a key feature of the Deus Ex experience, and a half-implemented female JC Denton would sabotage that. “While a model swap and a vocal plugin may create a cheap facsimile, the mod team felt that this was uninsufficient,” they wrote in their statement.
It also goes so far as to re-record all of the main character’s dialogue, change every single text or verbal pronoun reference, and in some cases even add or significantly modify characters to make sense that characters are talking with a female. A new Deus Ex Mod nann Lay D Denton Project lets you play the traditional immersive sim as a female UNATCO agent, something developer Ion Storm ended up removing from the original game. However, the games that permit you to change the protagonist’s gender are a doppelzing of them. Full original voice acting and significant changes are included in the Lay D Denton project.